The notion of the 15-minute city, in which people can work, shop, play and go to school within a small radius of their home, is nothing more than a means of control by the very elite.
This has attracted some urban planners. But now more than ever, argues Edward Glaeser (Harvard), it should be recognized as a dead end which would stop cities from fulfilling their true role as engines of opportunity.
Klaus Schwab of the WEF and the WHO …. have been using this as a vehicle of power and control. This is the very reason we must stay on the path that has been laid ahead of us. America First or we will perish as a nation….
Location, I-5 and Hwy 603 in Winlock Washington....
Exit 63 Interstate 5, which runs north-south from the Canadian border to Mexico, at the SR 505 interchange in Winlock, WA and one exit south of US 12, which runs from the Pacific Ocean to Detroit, MI.
“I-5 Innovation Park” another word for “15 Minute City”
Innovation Park, just another word for 15 Minute City
From Pacific Northwest Regional Logistics Center to Benoroya Winlock now just another 15 Minute City for Communists
Winlock Industrial
Park™located at Exit 63 Interstate 5, which runs north-south from the Canadian border to Mexico, at the SR 505 interchange in Winlock, WA and one exit south of US 12, which runs from the Pacific Ocean to Detroit, MI.
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